February 5, 2025 Jennifer Odom

Don’t get distracted by the Noise about the Markets

As investors, you hear a lot of “Noise” about the stock market and investing.

Noise is anything that distracts an intelligent investor from a long-term focus on how to make money in the stock and bond markets.

Though the noise is often irrelevant, it is extremely powerful because it can elicit emotion in investors that causes them to make decisions based on something other than logic.

The link below shows a chronological chart of 2024 with various data points, some of which are noise, and the ultimate trajectory of the S&P 500. Though the market was up 25% in 2024, because of all the “Noise,” it is easy to understand how an investor might make an investment decision based on short-term “noise.”

Our job as your investment advisor, is to help you filter out the noise and focus on your long-term goals.